Prenatal care is the health care that you receive throughout your pregnancy. It is important to see your OBGYN regularly throughout the pregnancy. However, there are several lifestyle habits that you can adopt to promote a healthy pregnancy. Prenatal self-care is a big part of prenatal care. Self-care involves the care that you can do for yourself to ensure a…
HEY! from Greenville, SC!
Chrissy Teigen Is So Over People Questioning Her Uterus
By Cavan Sieczkowski – View full Huffington Post article Chrissy Teigen is open about the difficulty of trying to conceive, but some people still don’t get it. Teigen has been candid about her journey undergoing in vitro fertilization and the emotional toll that process took on her while trying to get pregnant with daughter Luna, now 1 year old. The…
The Benefits of Sharing Your Infertility Story
Don’t ignore the opportunity to share your infertility story with others. Many of you are scared or embarrassed to talk about your struggle. I understand that. I’ve been there, so I really do. I know it’s a very personal choice. However, you can tell your story in a broad sort of way without sharing intimate details because let’s face it,…
What is a Monitoring Visit and Why is it Important?
What is a monitoring visit and why is it important? So your doctor has started you on Clomid or Femara and told you to schedule a cycle day 12 ultrasound. What is that for? You may have been prescribed these medications before by an OB/GYN and never had any ultrasounds or blood work. Why now? For most patients, by the…
What is a Monitoring Visit and Why is it Important?
What is a monitoring visit and why is it important? So your doctor has started you on Clomid or Femara and told you to schedule a cycle day 12 ultrasound. What is that for? You may have been prescribed these medications before by an OB/GYN and never had any ultrasounds or blood work. Why now? For most patients, by the…
Dear Infertile Me
Life has been pretty good for you. You have been blessed with a great family, always made good grades in school, married your high school sweetheart, and got your dream job as a kindergarten teacher. You have been pretty spoiled with getting the things you want in life…..and now you are ready for that next step, a precious baby. You…
What is PGT?
Popular culture, religious affiliations, and misconceived myths have all contributed in giving genetic testing the negative connotations of producing “designer babies”. Like many other aspects of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), the lack of knowledge often scares patients away from potential lifesaving procedures for their future families. Genetic testing is a powerful tool that should be considered as a methodology to…
Tubal Reversal or IVF?
A 38-year old patient asked PREG the following question: “Would you recommend a tubal reversal, or should I proceed directly to IVF?” Our expert embryologist, Heather Collins, replies: “At 38 years old I would recommend moving straight to IVF for numerous reasons. By definition, a tubal ligation is designed to damage or “tie” the tube to prevent the oocyte being…
Sex: When too much of a good thing is NOT a good thing.
This may be hard to believe, but too much sex is not always a good thing! One would think that couples should have sex as much as possible get pregnant, right? Well, sex every day is not the answer, and all that fun may be hurting your chances of conceiving. So much of the dialogue in infertility is focused on…