Author page: pregadm

What is PGT?

Popular culture, religious affiliations, and misconceived myths have all contributed in giving genetic testing the negative connotations of producing “designer babies”. Like many other aspects of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), the lack of knowledge often scares patients away from potential lifesaving procedures for their future families. Genetic testing is a powerful tool that should be considered as a methodology to…

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Tubal Reversal or IVF?

A 38-year old patient asked PREG the following question: “Would you recommend a tubal reversal, or should I proceed directly to IVF?” Our expert embryologist, Heather Collins, replies: “At 38 years old I would recommend moving straight to IVF for numerous reasons. By definition, a tubal ligation is designed to damage or “tie” the tube to prevent the oocyte being…

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