A Couples Reproductive Journey – His Story

When I was younger and in my 20’s, there was a whole host of life’s problems and complications that I never dreamt I’d encounter. Life insurance, portion control, and the importance of a tidy car interior are examples that immediately come to mind. The example that stands above all others for me is the complication of fertility challenges and family planning.

Having a family was something my wife and I had talked about early in our dating relationship and was the immediate focus of our life upon being married. Learning that getting pregnant wasn’t something we’d be able to do without help from medical professionals was news I can safely say I never thought I’d hear.

In my journey toward understanding our situation, I learned that this is a challenge that more couples encounter than most people realize. There is a strong community of support for couples with fertility challenges and there are dedicated medical professionals whose sole mission is to help parents create families.

My wife and I researched and sought recommendations for specialists to see. Frankly, the hardest part was making the appointment and walking through the door. Once we set foot in the office, we immediately knew that we were in the right place. The entire office was adorned with framed pictures of babies, greeting cards, birth announcements, and testimonials from parents who had reached out for help. It was uplifting to know that not only were we not alone in our struggle but that there were countless success stories to keep us positive and focused.

The team we worked with was caring, knowledgeable, and effective. Our doctor gathered information from medical records and interviews with us to construct a profile of our specific situation. When we left the office after our first visit, we had specific plan and a timeline for results. While we were still anxious, we had a direction and actionable steps toward our ultimate goal of a family. We were thrilled!

When we received the news that we were pregnant we could hardly believe it. A life long dream was being realized. Our daughter was born 8 months later and is the greatest thing that has ever happened to us. We are forever grateful for the help we received and will always remember the journey.

PREG loves to help couples complete their family!

John E. Nichols, M.D.
Reproductive Endocrinologist
Medical & Laboratory Director

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