Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS)

PREG stays on the forefront of ART advancement by offering complete Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS) to all patients. As South Carolina’s leader in IVF success rates (, PREG utilizes the technique of Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) to screen all 23 pairs of chromosomes found within an embryo. By eliminating embryos with genetic aneuploidy prior to transfer, this technique provides each family the highest likelihood of achieving a pregnancy with subsequent delivery of a healthy baby. CCS is also used in family balancing as the chromosomes are also a highlight of this testing. In a retrospective study of all PREG patients undergoing IVF with aCGH, PREG proudly announces an 83.3% pregnancy rate following CCS. The live birthrate following CCS is equally as exciting at 75%. Contact a PREG representative today to find out how your family can be expanded utilizing CCS.

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