[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Hey from Greenville, SC! We have a heart for children and those who struggle with infertility, and going though foster care and adoption process. Want to spread the message of hope and awareness to those going through that process.
We discuss infertility and foster care in detail because we believe nobody should do this alone.
We are on a journey to fill our home with children! Infertility has welcomed itself into our home and has overstayed it’s visit. After 2 years of naturally trying, we met Dr. Payne at PREG, 3 failed IUIs later, we turned to foster care to fill our home. Once all our foster placements returned home we decided it was time to have a child that no one can take away. After struggling to save for IVF for a year we received a grant from our fertility clinic! Join us on this long journey to parenthood. Our home is full of love, and by God’s grace it will be full of children too.