Insurance Benefits in the New Year

Help us serve you better. Learn How Insurance Changes May Affect You in the New Year

As we start a new year, you will be asked for an updated insurance card even if you’ve been seen recently. Many patients will have a new insurance plan, and others may have the same plan, but have different benefit coverage for diagnostic services or treatments. Here are some tips from our financial counselors on how to educate yourself about changes to your insurance coverage.

Bring your insurance card to your appointment even if it’s the same card from 2019. We will verify your insurance benefits with the carrier to confirm the deductible, co-pays and your fertility benefits. We certainly do not want treatment to be delayed, so it’s very important that we receive a copy of your card at your first visit in the new year.

The same plan does not always mean the same coverage. Even if your insurance plan appears to be identical to the previous year, your employer may have changed the level of benefits that you receive. Many companies are providing fertility benefits as a way to attract top talent and yours may be one of them. It is very important that we verify benefits with each new year to provide you with correct information about your coverage.

Does Your Insurance Require a Referral? With the new calendar year, it is important to confirm whether a referral is necessary before scheduling appointments.

Does Your Insurance Require a Prior Authorization for Treatment? Our financial staff will verify with your carrier whether a prior authorization before starting treatment will be required with the new year. Sometimes carriers may require providers to obtain new referrals and prior authorizations for treatment even if the patient did not change insurance plans or have new coverage.

Options Available for Patients Without Insurance. PREG has many affordable options available for patients that do not have fertility benefits including our IVF Refund Program, self- pay discounts, and multicycle discount programs for our IVF patients.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you afford IVF, please contact your financial counselor. We are here to help you!

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