Infertility treatment options

Fertility Preservation

Thanks to exciting advances in science and technology, egg freezing is now available for fertility preservation, and PREG has the expertise and experience you deserve.

Smiling young woman looking directly at camera, empowered by fertility preservation

What is Fertility Preservation?

Today, for a variety of reasons, women are waiting to pursue having a family; however, the reality of one’s biological clock still remains. Fertility rates are 20-25% each month for women in their late teens to late-twenties. However, by the age of 35, a woman’s chances of pregnancy are reduced to about 15% each month. By age 40, the likelihood of achieving a pregnancy is only 5-10% each month and by age 43, the likelihood of pregnancy is less than 5% each month.

Planned oocyte cryopreservation, also known as “egg freezing,” involves the freezing of a woman’s eggs with the goal of preserving future fertility. This procedure was considered experimental until 2012, and has since been approved by The American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) as a viable treatment option. For example, if a woman freezes her eggs at the age of 35, but delays using these eggs until she is in her 40s, she will have the same fertility outcome as that of a 35 year-old. While other options for fertility preservation are under study, egg freezing is the only currently available option with proven benefit.

How Is Egg Freezing Performed?

The keys to a successful egg freezing program are utilization of a specialized method of freezing tissues called vitrification, expertise, and experience. Most centers offer egg freezing, but very few are able to provide data regarding how well eggs frozen at the center perform (in terms of survival, fertilization, embryo development, pregnancy, and delivery) given the typical amount of time between egg freezing and eventual utilization. At PREG, we can, given our role as an egg freezing site for a major frozen donor egg bank. Eggs frozen at PREG for the bank are typically selected and utilized in very short order, allowing for constant monitoring of our performance. The results speak for themselves and we’re proud to have been repeatedly awarded for excellence when it comes to egg freezing and bring that experience to all individuals interested in egg freezing.

Step one is meeting with one of our fertility experts to learn more about egg freezing and make a plan for straightforward testing (ultrasound and bloodwork) which will provide the information necessary for accurate counseling about what to expect in terms of response and when would be best to proceed.

The ovarian stimulation process takes 10-12 days, on average, and features daily administration of fertility medication though small needle injections. Ultrasounds are performed every 3-4 days to monitor the growth of follicles (each one contains one egg) which tells us when it is time for egg retrieval and if any dose adjustments need to be made along the way. Most are able to keep a regular schedule at work/school during this time.

The day of egg retrieval is the one day that will need to be taken off from work/school since it is performed under sedation. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and features transvaginal puncture of each ovary (while you are asleep) which provides access to each follicle so the fluid within may be drained, yielding the egg. The number of eggs retrieved will be discussed right after the procedure and all mature eggs are vitrified (frozen) that very morning and available for use if and when necessary (no matter how long as they don’t change once frozen). Recovery is rapid and most are able to return to work/school the next day. Findings from the cycle and implications regarding future fertility will be discussed during a subsequent follow-up appointment.

Schedule an appointment today to learn more. You’ll have an opportunity to meet with a financial counselor the day of your appointment to discuss insurance benefits and all other financial implications of an egg freezing cycle.

Ready to take that first step?

It just takes one call. Our team is here to support you wherever you are in your fertility journey with the highest level of thoughtful, individualized fertility care.

Infertility Treatment Options

Fertility Preservation
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT)
Third Party Reproduction

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