My husband and I were very young when we discovered we could not get pregnant naturally.

We were 21 and 22, and very much wanting to start a family of our own, when we were informed that the chances did not look good. I was not ovulating. We tried medication, I ovulated, we still were not pregnant. A few years later, we found out why. My husband was born with an issue that, according to research that I have one, only accounts for 1-2 percent of all male infertility issues. He and I researched fertility clinics in and around our area and finally settled on PREG. We are so thankful that we did.

From day one, before we ever had an appointment, we were contacted by staff at PREG and asked how we were doing, if we had any questions, things of the like. Throughout our time, we worked with every doctor there, though we were officially Dr. Payne’s patients. PREG became our second family; we saw them roughly every other day for months! All of the staff were amazing.

Dr. Payne never gave us false hope but also kept us positive. He was up front with me about my weight being a factor, but also told me that there was otherwise no reason I would not be able to eventually have a healthy pregnancy. He told us that there was a chance we would miscarry after our hCG numbers went down, but that it could also just mean we had lost one of our twins. Every step of the way, we were told exactly what to expect, what could happen, and the little details of everything. It was very reassuring.

We were successful in our first round of IVF, and though that doesn’t always happen, we are extremely grateful for the experience! We introduced our sweet Maverick Wyatt on September 25, 2016.