imagine the possibilities of your
Not everyone’s path to parenthood is easy, and for some the journey is more difficult to navigate. If you’re between the ages of 21 – 29 and are in good health, you could be able to donate your eggs. The process is unidentified (“anonymous”) and you’ll be compensated for your time and generosity, with our egg donors receiving $5,000 per cycle. We also offer you the opportunity to freeze your own eggs for your future fertility preservation.
compensation and benefits for your
You receive a very generous compensation for your time and effort. Once you pass screening and your first cycle is successful, you could be approved to participate in up to 6 donation cycles. Your compensation is paid following the egg retrieval for each donation cycle.
As part of the donor screening process, you will receive a full physical exam, testing to determine your reproductive health, and genetic screening to see if you are a carrier for any inheritable conditions. This information could give you valuable insight into your health and how you should approach planning for a family of your own.
We understand having a busy schedule and will make everything as easy and convenient for you as possible. Your valuable time matters to us!
We have many recipients using our in-house donors and we can generally start the donation process very shortly after screening is completed.
PREG also offers the option for you to freeze eggs for your own use once you have successfully completed 3 egg donation cycles. This service normally costs women up to $10,000. By having your healthy eggs frozen now and stored for your future use, you can increase your chances for pregnancy later in life.
a look at the egg donor
Our application and screening process are divided into approximately three steps for you to complete. This is designed to make sure we have healthy women who are committed to becoming egg donors. Our donation process is unidentified (“anonymous”), meaning your identity will not be disclosed to the recipient of your eggs by PREG.
To start the process of becoming a donor at PREG, the first step is to complete a short registration form with some basic information. All of our potential egg donors must meet this basic screening criteria to continue with the screening process:
- Age of between 21 and 29 years old
- Weight and height within a healthy range
- A high school diploma or beyond
- Commitment to following instructions, keeping appointments and taking medications as prescribed.
Once this initial application is received and reviewed, you will receive an email to indicate if you are selected to continue in the application process.
If you are approved to continue with screening, you will be asked to fill out a longer application with your medical history, your family history, personal information and childhood photos. Answer the questions as completely and as accurately as possible.
Once you submit this application, you will receive a call or email from a member of the donor program team to let you know if you are approved to continue the screening process, or to get more information about the answers you provided.
If you are approved to continue, the donor nurses will contact you to schedule an appointment for you to come in to the center for a medical and genetic screening. First, you will meet with a member of the donor team to confirm that you understand the donation process and answer any questions you might have with regard to donating. Next, a sample of your blood will be taken to screen for infectious diseases, drug usage, and hormone levels. You will have a vaginal ultrasound to examine your ovaries and look at the number of resting follicles. You will then be scheduled to meet with a psychologist to again confirm that there is a good understanding of the donor process and to assess any psychological issues.
After the screening process has been completed, you’ll be notified shortly to let you know if you’ve been selected to proceed with donation. We must comply with the very strict requirements for donors as directed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American College of Genetics and Genomics (ACMG).
Lindsay Polowczuk discusses the screening process
Lindsay Polowczuk talks about what to expect in the egg donation process
words from an egg donor as she
So, it is to you that I write now, grateful that you trusted me to give you this incredible gift. I promise I did everything in my power to make sure these little baby eggs were as perfect as they could possibly be for you, and I know you can’t wait to see the fruit of that effort turn into your perfect little baby girl or boy!
To the New Family,
Maybe writing you a letter is not typical of this experience, but then, I’ve never been one to follow the norm. I want you to know that I am SO excited that I get to be a small part of your lives for this one moment. Although I think of both of you all the time, I have found that through this process I feel the most connection with the future (or maybe already!) mom. So, it is to you that I write now, grateful that you trusted me to give you this incredible gift. I promise I did everything in my power to make sure these little baby eggs were as perfect as they could possibly be for you, and I know you can’t wait to see the fruit of that effort turn into your perfect little baby girl or boy!
In just a few days now you are going to be a mother, and I will have the lifelong honor of knowing that I was able to be a part of making that happen for you. That thought has been on my mind ever since I first received the phone call telling me that somewhere out there a couple had chosen me to help them fulfill their dream of becoming parents. In some ways, I still can’t fully believe that I get to do this, that I get to be the reason you are able to be a mom!
Years ago, I had friends who found difficulty in conceiving a child together. As I read her words in her blog, seeing the struggle of her heart as she so desperately wanted to be able to bring a child into her world, my own world was changed. At the time, I had no idea that one day life would bring me to the other side of her struggle, but when I think about this entire process I picture her struggle when I think of you. Though you likely have not taken every step she did and you are a very different person, I know in my heart that you, like her, are meant to be a mother. This child is meant to be yours. I don’t believe in fate, but I do believe that this small piece of me was always meant to be a piece of you. Next week I won’t be losing anything, but finally giving you what was rightfully yours.
When I think of the future this beautiful baby will have with your family, I can only feel that he is so lucky to have parents who wanted him so much. To know what you did, what you sacrificed, how hard you prayed for her, will only be the tip of the iceberg in realizing just how much she is loved. If there is just one thing I would tell him, one thing I want her to know, it’s that you, his mother, could never love him more and that no other person on this earth besides you will ever love her the same. To have you in his life means that he already has the best gift the world could possibly bring to her. That little baby is so blessed.
I know that you have my entire medical history. You’ve seen pictures of me as a small child. You know the color of my hair and eyes and skin. Maybe any more information about who I am doesn’t really matter, but I do want to share just a little bit of me with you. I am a bookworm. I love to read and I love to learn. I excel in science and English, but find little interest in math or history, though I still always manage to get that all-important A! I adore music and I listen to everything from classic rock to electronic to folksy acoustic music. I like to stay active. I run and hike and twist myself into knots during yoga classes. I love to laugh and find so much happiness and joy in the simple things in my life. Most importantly, I cherish the people I love and would do anything for them.
I wish for you and your new family a lifetime of laughter, of cuddles and kisses and happiness. I know you look forward to so many firsts for this sweet baby that you’re going to have soon, and I know that you will cherish every one of those moments more because of what you’ve been through to bring your child into the world. I hope you know that whenever you cross my mind, I will think of each of you with so much love and excitement for the future that you have together. Your family is such a beautiful one and I am eternally grateful to be able to help you make these moments a reality.
With so much love, Me