IVF Refund Program

Making IVF More Affordable for more Fertility Patients

By using the best-in-class personalized predictions of IVF success, The Piedmont Reproductive Endocrinology Group is able to provide refund pricing to more patients like you. We have chosen to use the Univfy PreIVF Report to power Program, because Univfy has set the gold standard for measuring the accuracy of IVF success at the patient level. A global leader in fertility analytics, Univfy is:

  • Proven to be more accurate than age- based estimates.
  • Powered by experience from analyzing data from over 150,000 IVF cycles and 750,000 embryos from diverse populations across the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Asia.
  • Passionate about helping more patients just like you to get more affordable IVF treatments at top IVF Centers.
How Can IVF be More Affordable and Increase My Chances of Success?

IVF is one of the most effective fertility treatments available today. That’s why many patients like you are considering it. But the high costs of IVF and often uncertain outcomes may keep you from trying.

The Piedmont Reproductive Endocrinology Group is proud to offer to help you choose IVF in a way that saves both precious time and money in your fertility journey, while improving your chances to have a baby.

  • Eligible patients can undergo IVF treatment with the ability to use all of their frozen embryos, if needed—for the best chance to have a baby with their own eggs.
  • If you do not have a viable pregnancy reaching 20 weeks of gestation from the IVF treatment, PREG will refund you up to 90% in 3-cycle and up to 50% in 1-cycle plans.

The Piedmont Reproductive Endocrinology Group is able to offer The PREG IVF Refund Program to at least 70% of our patients, while most other fertility clinics offer refund programs to only a limited number of patients. Why? We use the Univfy PreIVF Report, which provides highly accurate, personalized predictions of each individual patient’s IVF success. Univfy analyzes many factors that impact your chances of success and does not limit refund eligibility based on artificial age or blood test cut-offs. Univfy has shown that more patients have a higher probability of IVF success than previously thought. With the Univfy PreIVF Report, can qualify many more patients.

How Does the Univfy PreIVF Report Predict My Chances of IVF Success?

The PREG IVF Refund Program is powered by a Univfy PreIVF Report that is customized for Piedmont Reproductive Endocrinology Group’s patients. This Univfy PreIVF Report uses your own reproductive data to accurately predict your probability of IVF success. Through predictive technology developed by Stanford University researchers, Univfy used a rigorous scientific process to develop and validate a customized IVF prediction model with data. It analyzes many factors in your fertility profile — including age, body mass index, ovarian reserve test results, semen analysis, and clinical diagnoses.

The Piedmont Reproductive Endocrinology Group medical team will run your personalized Univfy PreIVF Report when you have completed your fertility workup (or diagnostic tests). Your doctor will provide you with the Univfy PreIVF Report when you return for your consultation appointment.

At the Piedmont Reproductive Endocrinology Group, we provide customized Univfy PreIVF Report to our patients free of charge, because we believe in supporting our fertility counseling with the latest, best-in-class technology to give you a personalized and accurate probability of treatment success.

“I really wanted to know what my odds were… I think [Univfy PreIVF] is something which will help me become more aware about my chances and help me and others decide what will be the best path to take.” – Laura Reedy, Fertility Patient, Ankeny, IA

“Univfy’s prediction models actually show more than 60% of the women who use them have a higher probability of IVF success than their age based estimates alone suggest… I’m Ms. Prepared, so I like the idea of being realistic about what you chances of getting pregnant might be, because IVF always seems to be the great unknown.” –Patty Adams Martinez, Parents.com

“Many women in their 30s and beyond turn to IVF, usually with little sense of whether the physically demanding and expensive treatments are likely to work. Services like Univfy are trying to help women understand their own fertility better…[Univfy] draws on predictive models to provide personalized information about an individual’s likelihood of conception.” – Making Babies: Five predictions about the future of reproduction, The Atlantic

Still have questions? We're happy to help. Contact us for more information about affording fertility care.