The Benefits of Sharing Your Infertility Story
Don’t ignore the opportunity to share your infertility story with others. Many of you are scared or embarrassed to talk about your struggle. I understand that. I’ve been there, so I really do. I know it’s a very personal choice. However, you can tell your story in a broad sort of way without sharing intimate details because let’s face it,…
Dear Infertile Me
Life has been pretty good for you. You have been blessed with a great family, always made good grades in school, married your high school sweetheart, and got your dream job as a kindergarten teacher. You have been pretty spoiled with getting the things you want in life…..and now you are ready for that next step, a precious baby. You…
What is PGT?
Popular culture, religious affiliations, and misconceived myths have all contributed in giving genetic testing the negative connotations of producing “designer babies”. Like many other aspects of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), the lack of knowledge often scares patients away from potential lifesaving procedures for their future families. Genetic testing is a powerful tool that should be considered as a methodology to…
Everything you need to know about PGD
Popular culture, religious affiliations, and misconceived myths have all contributed in giving genetic testing the negative connotations of producing “designer babies”. Like many other aspects of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), the lack of knowledge often scares patients away from potential lifesaving procedures for their future families. Genetic testing is a powerful tool that should be considered as a methodology to…