
Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS)

PREG stays on the forefront of ART advancement by offering complete Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS) to all patients. As South Carolina’s leader in IVF success rates (, PREG utilizes the technique of Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) to screen all 23 pairs of chromosomes found within an embryo. By eliminating embryos with genetic aneuploidy prior to transfer, this technique provides each…

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Support For Fertility Preservation Is Now An AMA Policy!

Should insurance companies cover the expenses of fertility preservation when a young cancer patient is at risk of losing their fertility as a result of their treatment? This is what members of the Michigan delegation asked the American Medical Association (AMA) to support by lobbying for federal legislation that would require insurers to cover fertility preservation when cancer treatments could…

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It’s Okay to Seek Help

In light of the recent shooting tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, mental health issues and preventative care should be at the forefront of our concerns. Often, there are warning signs that precede such catastrophic events such as Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, and Columbine. Newtown, Connecticut, was in a small, affluent community with very little crime which proves no area…

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Protecting Your Fertility

In the ten years I’ve spent working in women’s health, I’ve learned to gracefully tiptoe around certain topics. I’ve practiced the dance of speaking truthfully, but gently. Yet no matter how many times I’ve done it, I still nervously anticipate the wince of pain and frustration that immediately appears on a woman’s face when I bring up the subject of…

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Designer Babies or Healthy, Loving Families? By Carolyn Keating, Nurse Practitioner

A number of years ago, a couple came into the fertility practice where I worked. They were not infertile and in fact had quite easily conceived a beautiful baby girl. This child was born perfect in every way except one- she carried a lethal genetic defect that began to show symptoms when she was about 3 months of age. They…

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