Stephanie Madden is the Practice Manager for PREG Spartanburg How long have you been in healthcare and with PREG? I started in the medical field when I was in high school. My Mom worked in a medical facility for over 25 years and I started there. Then I moved to diagnostics as part of Spartanburg Regional. I was there for…
The Evolution of Fertility Care & The Future
We sat down with PREG founder and medical director, kDr. John Nichols to talk about the evolution of reproductive endocrinology and fertility treatment. Dr. Nichols, please explain how infertility care and treatment have grown since its inception. Back in the day when infertility medicine had begun, there weren’t as many options as there are today. For example, if it was…
Dr. Kathryn Snow of PREG Lowcountry
The Doctor Is In! Get to know our newest physician, Dr. Kathryn Snow PREG/Lowcountry Kathryn Snow, M.D., M.H.A Reproductive Endocrinologist Tell us About Yourself I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC and my mom was an English teacher, and I always sort of gravitated toward how she was in school. She was even my English teacher and I was…
COVID-19 Vaccine and Pregnancy
“The journey of finally achieving a pregnancy can be a long one for so many. After all of those trials and tribulations, the last thing any mama-to-be wants is to put her baby in harm’s way. Luckily, there is excellent data to show that the newly FDA-approved COVID vaccine will not harm mom or baby. It will not cause a…
PREG’s New Patient Portal
At PREG, we are always looking for ways to improve our patient’s experience and to make things more efficient. Our patients have been asking for a portal for some time now, to see lab and test results, access their medical records, fill out forms and stay in better contact with our team. We began researching different options and successfully implemented…
The Best Chances for Natural Pregnancy
Dr. Travis McCoy Discusses The Best Chances for Natural Pregnancy Dr. McCoy, what are the best practices for a couple to get pregnant? One of the first things to understand is what is normal in how long it takes to get pregnant naturally. In human fertility usually, we expect a 25-30% chance per month with trying naturally. That is usually…
PREG’s New Patient Portal
We’re excited to announce the rollout of our new Patient Portal. We’ve been working hard to implement a system that gives you greater access to your information and our staff. You’ll be able to access your medical records, test results, review treatment plans, pay bills, and schedule appointments, and it will serve as an avenue for greater communication with our…
Q & A with Dr. Payne On Secondary Infertility
The Doctor Is In! Q & A with Dr. John Frederick Payne, MD Reproductive Endocrinologist & PREG Partner On Secondary Infertility What is Secondary Infertility and how does it happen? Secondary Infertility is infertility after having had a prior pregnancy which could have ended in any number of ways from delivery of a child, to a miscarriage or even an ectopic pregnancy.…
Sabrina Harris, Practice Supervisor, Discusses Her Role, The Culture, Practice, & Patients
Sabrina Harris, Practice Supervisor at PREG Columbia, South Carolina on her role, the culture, practice, and patients. How long have you been with PREG? I came to PREG about 10 years ago after managing an orthodontic practice. I was a little burned out with the dental field and wanted a different career path. My friend Debra, who works the Greenville…
Dr. Travis McCoy Discusses The Effects of Testosterone Supplements on Sperm
Dr. Travis McCoy, MD Reproductive Endocrinologist Director of Male Fertility Advanced Gynecologic Surgery Dr. McCoy, explain testosterone in men? The testicles make two things, testosterone, and sperm. And the production of these is regulated by the brain signals that go to the testicles and then the testosterone signals go back to the brain. So it regulates much like cruise control…