
Tubal Reversal or IVF?

A 38-year old patient asked PREG the following question: “Would you recommend a tubal reversal, or should I proceed directly to IVF?” Our expert embryologist, Heather Collins, replies: “At 38 years old I would recommend moving straight to IVF for numerous reasons. By definition, a tubal ligation is designed to damage or “tie” the tube to prevent the oocyte being…

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Did you know April is National Infertility Awareness Month?

One in eight couples suffers through the pain of infertility, often in silence. RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association, is an advocacy group for individuals living with infertility. This year’s campaign is #start asking to encourage an increased dialogue about this disease that affects so many. Here at PREG, we want to make a difference and contribute to the fundraising efforts…

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Everything you need to know about PGD

Popular culture, religious affiliations, and misconceived myths have all contributed in giving genetic testing the negative connotations of producing “designer babies”. Like many other aspects of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), the lack of knowledge often scares patients away from potential lifesaving procedures for their future families. Genetic testing is a powerful tool that should be considered as a methodology to…

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How do you know when to move on to IVF?

Taking the Chance on In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) What would you be willing to do to have a child? Would you cut back on some things financially to afford the proper treatment? Would you commit to taking shots? Would you undergo a surgical procedure? While you may find it easy to answer “yes” to these questions, most people find it…

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Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS)

PREG stays on the forefront of ART advancement by offering complete Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS) to all patients. As South Carolina’s leader in IVF success rates (, PREG utilizes the technique of Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) to screen all 23 pairs of chromosomes found within an embryo. By eliminating embryos with genetic aneuploidy prior to transfer, this technique provides each…

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Frozen Embryo Transfer-Our Rising Star in Fertility Treatment

At Piedmont Reproductive Endocrinology Group (PREG), we are excited to report that we are now able to help more couples achieve their dreams of getting pregnant. In the past, frozen embryo transfers were much less successful than In Vitro Fertilization, but with the latest technology available to cryopreserve embryos, we are happy to report that success rates have improved dramatically.…

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Support For Fertility Preservation Is Now An AMA Policy!

Should insurance companies cover the expenses of fertility preservation when a young cancer patient is at risk of losing their fertility as a result of their treatment? This is what members of the Michigan delegation asked the American Medical Association (AMA) to support by lobbying for federal legislation that would require insurers to cover fertility preservation when cancer treatments could…

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It’s Okay to Seek Help

In light of the recent shooting tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, mental health issues and preventative care should be at the forefront of our concerns. Often, there are warning signs that precede such catastrophic events such as Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, and Columbine. Newtown, Connecticut, was in a small, affluent community with very little crime which proves no area…

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